
Sign up cost: Free
Available: Online/app
Number of currencies: 35
Number of countries: 130
Minimum transfer: $10 or equivalent
Transfer fee: Up to $4.99 from a bank account, approximately 3% if funded through a credit or debit card
Exchange rate margin: 1–3% above the mid-market rate
Transfer speed: Within minutes in almost all cases, maximum three to five days

Best for: Fast transfers

Xoom is a PayPal company, and as such, it is much faster than the competition at getting money to the destination.

Funds can be transferred via credit and debit card or bank transfer, and in some countries, you can use Xoom to pay bills or top up a prepaid mobile phone balance.

The hefty transaction rates and exchange rate margins make this a costly option in comparison to some of the other money transfer companies, but it is a fast way to send money internationally.

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